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Leo & Wolf’s oven baked salmon treats

Leo & Wolf’s oven baked salmon treats from Nutriment are packed full of essential nutrition and delicious flavour. Featuring 93% human grade quality salmon, our Leo & Wolf salmon treats are naturally high in Omega 3 fatty acids and contain quality protein and other nutrients, making them a great choice for providing your pets with occasional treats and rewards for training and bonding. Our oven baked salmon treats are free from fillers, additives and preservatives, which means they are biologically appropriate and easily digestible for optimal health and wellbeing.

Salmon is one of the best dietary sources of Omega-3 fatty acids, which contribute to a variety of bodily functions including kidney and brain function and the immune system, as well as skin, coat and bone health. Omega-3 fatty acids are ‘essential’ which means that they must be consumed as part of a dog’s diet as dogs and cats cannot create them themselves. A food source (including treats) rich in quality Omega-3 is imperative for optimal canine and feline health.

Oven baking is the preferred method for salmon and other fish high in Omega 3 fatty acids as it is the cooking method which best preserves the nutrient content, therefore delivering more to the pet being fed.

Oven baked treats for animal health and happiness

Leo & Wolf is a brand from Nutriment which focuses on exciting eating experiences for cats and dogs. Alongside the novel portfolio of frozen meatball products, the Leo & Wolf oven baked and cold dried treats range features 6 varieties focussing on premium quality meat and fish ingredients which are biologically appropriate and great-tasting treat for both cats and dogs.

Leo & Wolf Oven Baked Salmon Treats are available in 100g resealable bags.

You should always supervise your pet with any treat or bone.


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Product Analysis

Salmon and vegetable fibre. 93% Salmon content.

Analytical constituents: Protein (30%), Fat (42%), Fibre (12%), Ash (7.7%)

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